Here are some interesting posts that I have found. I am including the link and a snippet from the post.
Superstition Ain't the Way
The central issue, for me, is the same as with speculative evolution:What is real and what is fictitious?
Public education is presented as the only "natural" and "observable" form of education, the obvious common sense choice for any rational person. Homeschooling is presented as the choice of irrational kooks, manipulative hypocrites, vicious child abusers, and illiterate hill jacks.
More parents choosing to homeschool their children
Homeschooling is growing in popularity as an alternative to public or private school.
Susie Smith, who began the North Greenwood Home Educators group, said homeschool parents "want the best education they feel that they can get their children."
Smith's main reason for choosing homeschool, however, was the desire for her daughter Morgan, 10, to have a Christian education.
Public schools' bonds with homeschoolers grow
SEATTLE -- Students at the tiny, nondescript public school building in North Seattle have no playground, no formal cafeteria, no sports teams, no bells signaling the end of class.
They come and go as they please, and the nearly 250 who pass through the halls don't even consider themselves public school students.
They're among the more than 20,000 children statewide who are thought to opt out of public schools each year. They and their parents are drawn instead to the flexibility and freedom of homeschooling.
Families homeschool for a variety of reasons
Their school day starts at 10 a.m. and ends at noon.
Mom is the teacher and field trips include visits to the grocery store, Amish Country and the family's organic food store where they learn the basics of running a business.
Six-year-old Samantha will complete the first grade by the end of the month and her brother, 5-year-old Tommy, is in kindergarten.
Valerie Mozena of Roseville made the decision to homeschool her children for many reasons, and it's a decision she and her husband made together.
Sex assaults by teachers on students an 'epidemic'
By Bob Unruh
© 2007
An estimated 5 million students in United States schools have been assaulted sexually by teachers, according to a congressional report. But no one is calling for investigations or law enforcement crackdowns, there have been no campaigns to ban the offenders from schools, and in many states there aren't even any requirements such predator attacks be reported to education licensing agencies.
Paris September 2018
4 years ago
Thank you so much for linking me! I wish I'd known about your site sooner! I love a good homeschool site!
Interestingly, I had not read the WND article before I wrote my blog entry. They covered the topic of educator sexual abuse pretty thoroughly. I assume they were responding to the anti-homeschooling comments on the Hornbeck case, as I was.
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