So I decided that I am going to write about more things that just homeschool stuff. For instance, I sat here this morning watching the mockingbirds flittering around in my mesquite tree and my hanging flower pots that are hanging in it. One of them snatched something out of one of the pots and took it down to the ground. I'm hoping it was some kind of bug that was possibly eating my flowers. Another bird flew down to see what the first one had. I was really enjoying watching these four birds flitter around and have fun doing bird things. I can only enjoy this when my dogs are inside as they love to chase the birds away.
Before we arranged our computer desks the way they are now, I only got to look at a wall. Now I am able to look out the back window towards our creek and the occasional cow that resides on a neighbors property. Luckily, I can't see any of the gas wells that have popped up around me from where I sit. If I was to move to my right some, then I could see the eye sore that some land owner decided to put in.
Here is a picture of what I can see from my backdoor:
Unfortunately, from this view you can see the gas well off in the distance (it's a beige dot just above the 1st fence post to the right of the gate). Luckily I can't see it from where I sit. But this gives you an idea of the view. I need to take another picture but with no recordable rain in a while, the grass and every other living thing is suffering. I love living in the country though!
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