Thursday, April 9, 2009

Highlights from the Texas Legislature

Here is some news that came out of the Texas Legislature. I'm not a big Perry fan but he does support us homeschoolers. The veteran stuff I'm not too sure about. It might mean an influx of people coming into the state solely for the purpose of going to school. That would mean that more jobs and housing would be needed. On one hand that would be good because the housing market would benefit but the job market isn't so great right now and I don't expect it to get too much better in the coming months (years). Will have to watch this and see how it pans out.


Republican Gov. Rick Perry revved up a crowd of home school families at a rally outside the Capitol on Tuesday, telling the group that government regulation needs to stop at their front door.

Perry said he is committed to improving public schools, but said, "I really do understand that public school education may not be the best choice for every family." He said home-schooled children are "some of the most gifted students in our state."

The governor and others speaking to the crowd urged them to support a bill by Rep. Phil King, R-Weatherford, that they said protects parental rights when grandparents are seeking custody of children.


Out-of-state veterans could get a major break for higher education in Texas under a bill that got initial approval from the House on Tuesday.

The proposal would allow veterans and their families to pay in-state tuition regardless of how long they have lived in Texas

"This is a very good benefit for our veterans for the service they have given to our country," said Rep. Frank Corte, a San Antonio Republican and the bill's author in the House.

But some lawmakers object to an amendment that would allow children of soldiers paying in-state tuition to be fully exempt while their parents are serving in combat zones.

Opponents of the amendment said the loss of funds could crush some schools, particularly community colleges near military bases.

But Rep. Marc Veasey, the Fort Worth Democrat pushing the amendment, said the provision is limited enough that it will not be too hard on the schools. He estimated that fewer than 1,000 students would be affected because the majority of soldiers serving in combat zones are not old enough to have college-aged children.

As approved, the proposal would require the state to pay colleges back for losses under the amendment.

The bill still has to be called up for a final vote on third reading. It passed the Senate without the House amendments last month.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Homeschool group

A short time back I wrote that I had asked another lady in my homeschool group to be a moderator. I was feeling low and useless and needed to have someone else take some of the pressure off of me. I'm really glad that I asked her when I did because we had a situation come up on the forum that if I had addressed the person posting it, I could have been accused of being biased. Instead, my moderator responded to this other person and dealt with the situation. She did let the person know that her type of post was not going to be tolerated.

The group is growing by leaps and bounds. We have an activity planned for every Friday of the month. We found out that our teens aren't too old for park day afterall! lol! They hang out with their friends and just enjoy being together. It also gives us mom's a chance to talk and socialize. Our movie and game days are well attended. We had about 34 teens come to the first one. Not everyone can make every activity but usually there is a core group of us that goes to all the events (or as many as we can). I haven't met everyone in the group and some don't participate at all. But that's okay. They know that this group is there for them in case they do want to get involved. Maybe it's harder for them to do stuff with us right now. Come summer, I expect that a lot of these people will be able to do things with us.

More and more people are joining my group. There are so few teens groups out there and some are very exclusive. Even though this group is mostly for people living in the Ft. Worth area, we do have some that are from as far away as Plano. If someone wants to join the group, I always ask them where they are located and if it's not in the area, I let them know where we are so that they can decide on their own if they want to join. They are the ones who will be doing most of the driving.

In addition to park, movie and game days, we also go to the roller skating activity even though my son doesn't roller skate. He hangs out with his friends and has a fun time. We also have some major upcoming events planned such as a dance and a camp-out. Some of us are going to Scarborough Faire. I look forward to all the activities we can do during the summer when most of us are taking a break from schooling. We plan on having lots of pool parties at our house. Lots of fun things to look forward to, and lots of great people to do them with.

I'm posting some of the pictures of my son and I at the various activities we've had so far. You can tell by the big smile on his face that he's a happy teenager!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yahoo Homeschool group

I asked a lady in my Yahoo group to take over the list. I have some personal issues going on right now that I need to take care of. Not having to worry about the list will help some. I was always worrying about how the other members would react to things said on the list and what my response would be. I didn't want to offend anyone and always tried to see both sides when posting my response to things even when I don't agree with the other side. I found myself going out of my way to do things for people in the group just so others wouldn't be left out or uncomfortable in awkward situations. I was being torn in several different directions and with all that is going on in my personal life right now, I just don't feel that I can't cope with that sort of thing. So this dear, wonderful, sweet lady agreed to take over for me and I am so grateful to her for doing this. She even cared enough to call me to find out what is wrong. Now I can't be accused of trying to sabotage things. It's out of my hands.